IAE-NSW in its role as manager of this website does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, availability, or appropriateness to the user’s purposes, of any information provided. Those using it for whatever purpose are advised to verify it by contacting IAE NSW or by obtaining any other appropriate professional advice.
No warranty is given that the information is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination, nor that access to the website or any part of it will not suffer from interruption from time to time, without notice.
(The following appears on the printed report)
We are not responsible for any faults / Problems not found during our inspection or that may occur after the inspection.
Physical and or Mechanical damage can occur between the time of Vehicle Inspection and or purchase, therefore we cannot be held responsible for these occurrences should they happen.
Any Guaranties or Warranties implied or not on any Vehicle Inspected by IAE - Independent Automotive Engineers is strictly with the purchaser of the inspection service that has taken place upon
This Report is only relevant as at the date and time the vehicle was inspected. While reasonable care has been taken to ascertain that the information contained in this report is correct, this report must in no way be taken as a guarantee.
IAE NSW disclaim all liability to any person in respect of errors or omissions in this report and in respect of anything done by any person in reliance upon this report, provided that nothing in this report excludes, restricts or modifies any statutory conditions or warranties (whether implied or otherwise), which are incapable of being excluded, restricted or modified and where any such condition or warranty is implied, IAE NSW liability will be limited in the discretion of IAE NSW to :
(a) The supplying of the services the subject of the report again: or
(b) The payment of the cost of having those services applied again.
Any dispute must be registered in writing with IAE NSW before any rectification work is commenced.